KMH Foundation
One Million Trees Program Sees New Trees Take Root in 2022
Home to the largest pristine dry forests in Indochina, Cambodia is internationally recognized for its rich biodiversity. The natural, tropical beauty in our country has long been expansive, with over 60% of the land covered in forests in 1990 – including primary forests, highly biodiverse and carbon-dense ecosystems.
Fast forward to today, Global Forest Watch estimates Cambodia has lost 2.6 million hectares of tree coverage between 2001 and 2021, the equivalent of 1.55 gigatons of CO₂e emissions being released into the atmosphere. In the same time period, the world has lost 437 million hectares of tree coverage, equivalent to 176 gigatons of CO₂ emissions - making this is a global issue requiring global action. To help create a healthier planet, it is essential that we all come together to improve the environments that we live.
At ISI GROUP, we recognize that the solution to conserving our environment lies in collective action. That’s why we launched our One Million Trees program in 2019 to help mitigate the negative impacts our communities and environment experience from tree loss. Through working with our member companies, external partners and the government, we have been planting and conserving diverse species of tree saplings where they are needed, can thrive and will have meaningful impacts on our environment and the people living there. In 2022, we have already donated and helped plant almost 10,000 diverse saplings with our internal and external partners so far, including the Ministry of Environment, CamTech University and VitaminAir, an ecovillage established by our member company, SmallWorld Venture, to help preserve the environment.
Moving forward, we will continue working towards planting and conserving one million trees with our partners to help create environmentally friendly and ecologically prosperous communities for Cambodia and the world to live more healthily. More than just a number, our trees will recycle CO₂ to create oxygen while providing important habitat to wildlife and helping contribute to creating a more habitable planet.
Working together, we can create and build a greener Cambodia, and through making continued efforts to preserve our environment today, tomorrow and in the years to come, we can leave our country and the world in a better place for those who come after us. To stay updated on ISI GROUP’s One Million Trees initiative and CSR programs, subscribe to our blog below.